I have been a marine aquarium owner for a few years now, and I have to say I wouldn't have it any other way. It is definitely expensive to get started, but once established and maintained it is very enjoyable to just sit back and watch. The reason I got started with the hobby is that there is nothing else like it. Having a little piece of the ocean in your house is something that I can't describe.
Now there are various different ways to set up your aquarium. With or without coral, different sorts of filtration and water movement systems, etc. I have found what I enjoy most is having just fish. I love watching them. There is such a fascinating variety of them available for at home, it is a little overwhelming at first. Once you have it narrowed down to a compatible group and everyone is settled in there is a feeling of immense satisfaction. The colors and patterns are hypnotizing to view. I have found that I watch them more than I watch TV/movies. It is sure a good thing that there wasn't a marine aquarium in school growing up.
For me with the fish it is more than just their colors and shapes. They have individual personalities and it becomes very endearing to see them interact together and even with you. I love when they greet me at the front of the tank in the morning and how they swarm to the top at feeding time. I thoroughly enjoy feeding different foods to suit every fish's needs and watching them swim back to their favorite areas, full and content.
All of the fish pictured above are available for home aquariums. There are literally hundreds of different fish you may select for your tank. Some are easier to take care of than others (and are strongly recommended for beginners) but with experience you can branch out to other varieties. Be sure to visit plenty of online forums and help sites (my recommendations: Reef2Reef, WetWebMedia, and definitely find a local club) before starting and during setup. It also helps if you have a good local fish store (LFS).
- Dwarf Flame Angelfish http://fishville.invantix.com/fish/img/FlameAngelfish.jpg
- Cortez Angelfish http://week.divebums.com/6months/angelfish-cortez-juvenile_donna-shelley.jpg
- Lyretail Anthias http://www.alfreddifalcoelectric.com/maleAnthias.jpg
- Longhorn Boxfish http://www.thatstopten.com/images/strangefish/longhorn.jpg
- Saddleback Butterflyfish http://waterworld.pk/images/fishes/butterfly/106304-Saddleback%20Butterflyfish-Chaetodon%20ephippium.jpg
- Kaudern’s Cardinalfish http://www.nemotropicaux.com/images/Photo/Banggai%20Cardinal_grand.jpg
- Oscellaris Clownfish http://www.dirjournal.com/info/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Ocellaris-clownfish-1.jpg
- Blue Sapphire Damselfish http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNgWMntRqeNe5bMK7AeKCBecz6H2K6exK1Y6I920d_RKDDS0gJCg
- Helfrichi Firefish http://www.dereksreefshop.ca/images/products/helfrich.jpg
- Orchid Dottyback http://www.proaquatix.com/images/gallery-dottyback-orchid-01.jpg
- Green Mardarin http://coralzen.web.officelive.com/images/green-mandarin.jpg
- Glass Eye Squirrelfish http://www.petkoo.com/Upload/2011030794723912.jpg
- Clown Tang http://www.toofishy.com/images/T/tang_clown.jpg
- Clown Triggerfish http://www.reefcomber.co.za/images/featur5.jpg
- Lubbock’s Fairy Wrasse http://www.aquacon.com/images/LubbockiFairyWrasse1.jpg
- Leopard Wrasse http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYZclfPcVaErdzUiXzlVf8BS8eEwCeCK6xQIVOV3DigE3qQca4
- Blue Flasher Wrasse http://wetpixel.com/images/uploads/news/echeng090312_0217289_close.jpg
- Panther Grouper http://www.incredibleaquarium.com/images/panther_grouper.jpg
- Blue Spotted Puffer http://www.consettcorals.com/images/blue%20spotted%20puffer%20small.jpg
- Catalina Goby http://animal-world.com/encyclo/marine/goby_ble/images/CatalinaWMGo1P660X_med.jpg
- Tiger Watchman Goby http://www.thereefshoppe.ca/images/tiger_watchman_goby.jpg
- Yellow Multibanded Pipefish http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzSLtQ6oWsNZ5Nc2-0vr3htD873KKr80CwiEPKjmGHQ_xcA30Y
- Mombasa Lionfish http://www.moscowzoo.ru/images/A34_01b.jpg
- Tailspot Blenny http://www.fishtail.ca/images/detailed/2/tailspot_blenny.jpg
- Leafy Filefish http://lh3.ggpht.com/-X_chL_I-HnQ/SFZI5PMAUzI/AAAAAAAACaI/cxZe5GyEARw/IMG_3746.JPG
- Yellow Fin Goatfish http://www.spearfishmaui.com/files/Pics/Target_Species/Weke.jpg
- Frogfish http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/33/bd/69/frog-fish-taking-a-walk.jpg
- Candy Basslet http://reefbuilders.com/files/2010/04/Liopropoma-carmabi-sanjay-joshi-1-2010-b.jpg
wow nice pic ever . I am beginner so i see every picture from any blog and learn from them .
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